
Showing posts from March, 2020

I Am Who You Say I Am

Amidst all the crazy things going on in the world at the moment there are some glaringly obvious positives for me personally. On the weekend it was announced that Victorian schools would close early, this meant all my work as a piano teacher in schools was cancelled until further notice. This was also at a time when Liam had developed flu-like symptoms and we decided it best to stay home and away from the world for a while. We have spent SO MUCH time together (but on different couches, separate beds and with a whole lot of Glen 20) – playing card games, playing our instruments, watching movies, doing puzzles, eating chicken soup, and talking. And I have to tell you I reckon my husband is pretty cool. This past week has reminded me why we were friends in the first place. He is my favourite person to talk to, he always remains calm and quiets my own anxieties, and he’s funny. Of course, I knew all of this already, but it was pleasantly refreshing being reminded despite the blea